Monday, 13 July 2015

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Potential signs of ancient life in Mars rover photos

Potential signs of ancient life in Mars rover photos

Overlay of sketch on photograph from above to assist in the identification of the structures on the rock bed surface. Image credit: Noffke (2105). Credit: ASTROBIOLOGY, published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

A careful study of images taken by the NASA rover Curiosity has revealed intriguing similarities between ancient sedimentary rocks on Mars and structures shaped by microbes on Earth. The findings suggest, but do not prove, that life may have existed earlier on the Red Planet.

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Government Urged To Suspend Benefit Sanctions Regime | Welfare Weekly

Government Urged To Suspend Benefit Sanctions Regime | Welfare Weekly

This article titled “Government urged to suspend benefit sanctions regime” was written by Patrick Wintour, political editor, for The Guardian on Thursday 8th January 2015 01.11 UTC