Sunday, 24 June 2012

Smoke Free South West pays a Dutch private detective agency to spy on anti tobacco control | LifestyleReviews

Smoke Free South West pays a Dutch private detective agency to spy on anti tobacco control | LifestyleReviews

The risque acronym Citizens United against Nannying Tyrants has some outstanding research on It’s raison-d’etre is:

"Editorial Oversight"

 “After big business suffered several spectacular media defeats, from the Mclibel suit where McDonalds won the suit but lost the war, to Monsanto’s underestimation of resistance to genetically modified organisms, corporations are fighting back. Hard. From surveillance to legal suits, from lobbyists crafting laws to PR groups’ greenwashing crimes Battling Big Business reveals how corporate giants attempt to control their “enemies”—and how groups and individuals can fight back.

So we have taxpayer’s money being spent on foreign detective agencies to spy on people who are pro-choice on smoking and anti tobacco control. I think at the very least the public should know how much money is being paid to host this site.
To be fair is does seem well researched and generally accurate. It is no doubt in response to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) 5.3 clause which specifically excludes tobacco companies from any consultation process in government policy. Like children who think there are monsters in the wardrobe, anyone who agrees in the most part or partially have to be in the pay of Big Tobacco too.

Smoking ban tearing apart community spirit | This is Cornwall

Smoking ban tearing apart community spirit | This is Cornwall

 Total freedom of choice, as long as those freedoms do not infringe upon other people's freedom of choice, would give us a world built on love, instead of fear.

Implementing it is a different matter, especially since we've arrived at the point where the evil 1 per cent elite, are now telling their puppet governments to make laws regarding what the remaining 99 per cent can or cannot do on their own property.
And so the smoking ban came to pass from the New World Order after a prolonged suitable period of brainwashing, whereupon the critical mass bought it hook, line and sinker, based on quite pathetic research.